Use the this template to prepare resolutions. Resolutions must be sent to , not through nlsd113 email.
Resolutions should be written formally, and may have four parts, such as the following example:
o Whereas section 4.4 of our Local Agreement presently allows teachers in a fly- in community a yearly freight subsidy of $600.00 per year,
o Be it resolved that our LINC team negotiate an increase to $800.00 in our next contract.
o Rationale and background. The cost of freighting in food and other goods to fly-in communities is high. This increase reflects the increasing costs.
Name, school and community of the person submitting the resolution and the person seconding the resolution.
**Note that the “whereas” part states the situation that “exists” now, the “be it resolved” part describes the change you’d like to see, and the “rationale and background” part explains why the change is necessary or wanted. A resolution can also be written without a Whereas or Rationale and Background section if it is a straightforward resolution, but all resolutions must contain the name, school, and community of the person submitting the resolution and the person seconding the resolution.
Additional information on resolutions
Remember that resolutions can be written about any number of teacher issues. Here is some information for you to consider as you think about putting forward resolutions:
1. Regarding NATA Policy, any resolutions may be put forward to make changes or additions and presented at Convention. These can be accepted by a simple majority vote.
2. Regarding the NATA Constitution, NOTICES OF MOTION must be presented to the membership 6 MONTHS BEFORE Convention and any changes must be based on a vote in which more than 2/3 of the membership is in agreement... so I must advise that any such notices of motion written now will not be entertained at this Convention.
3. Regarding our Local Agreement, any suggested changes or additions should be presented in the form of resolutions at Convention. If passed, those resolutions would then be forwarded to our NATA LINC negotiating team who would try to include the items in their next negotiations with the Board LINC members.
4. Regarding housing items, any issues regarding housing part of our local agreement are presented to the Convention in the form of a resolution. Those that are passed will be given to our housing committee.
5. Regarding LINC agreement (our local agreement with NLSD), resolutions that are passed will be given to the LINC bargaining committee to include in their negotiations.
6. Regarding our Provincial Agreement, any suggestions that you put forward in a resolution for the STF to consider will be passed on to them by our Executive.
7. Regarding Northern Lights School Division policies and procedures, as they are the employer, we can’t “tell them how to run their business”. . . we can however, make resolutions on Board Policy items which, if passed, will be forwarded to our NATA Liaison Committee who meet with the Board twice a year to discuss just such items. The Board may be interested on our perspectives and are willing to hear our suggestions.